HEAVY 16 is developed on an organic acid pH scale, as opposed to the common mineral acid pH scale. Because of its buffering or “friendliness”, organic acids allow for optimum microbial development. Hence, HEAVY PRIME is not only a microbial feed, but also naturally functioning pH regulator. To grasp the difference between organic acid and mineral acid, think of orange juice representing organic acid and battery acid representing a hard mineral acid – which is seen in most “pH down” products.
PPM’s have long been used to gauge nutrient strength in irrigation water. While this method can still be employed, HEAVY 16 utilizes a cascading delivery system with multiple nutrients that have no charge out of the bottle and therefore won’t register on an EC or PPM meter. These neutral natural minerals have a potent nutritional value that becomes available to your plants over time. Hence, we prefer to use specific dossing increments (mL) per gallon to measure fertility versus PPM’s. You can still use the PPM/EC scale as judgment tool when auditing your water chemistry over time. Additionally, we do recommend using such measurements when assessing the hardness of your water and efficacy of your filtration system.
Oxygenating Reservoirs:
We prefer to avoid continuously churning and bubbling HEAVY 16 reservoirs to preserve the fine organic acids that, if over-stimulated, will volatilize quickly and lead to a rapid pH rise when holding a reservoir for more than a few days.
If beneficial bacteria are used in the reservoir, artificial churning and oxygenating will exacerbate the situation as most bacteria create hydroxide (pH up) as a byproduct of heightened metabolism – which is promoted via air stones, etc.. Additionally, most air pumps that power air stones draw in large amounts of CO2 from the room, which creates carbonic acid and lowers the pH.
To oxygenate correctly, simply leave a submersible pump at the bottom of the reservoir to break the surface tension and prevent stagnation. Your media or system should have more than enough aeration to functioning optimally.
Foliar Regimen:
When it comes to efficient delivery of plant nutrition, foliar application is tough to beat. HEAVY FOLIAR is engineered on principles of evolutionary biology. The natural surfactants deliver continuous nutrition and carbohydrates that last through the next foliar feeding.
HEAVY FOLIAR is highly versatile and can be used alone or with other products. Mixing HEAVY FOLIAR with HEAVY ROOTS and HEAVY FIRE allows a for a comprehensive nutritional delivery in both phases of plant development. HEAVY FOLIAR can be mixed with pesticides, fungicides, soaps or oils.
We recommend spraying every three days for optimal nutrition uptake. If you prefer to spray every day, we recommend using the HEAVY FOLIAR recipe at half strength. For best results, spray your crop from seedling up until the fourth week on flowering crops. Please note that there is no need to adjust the pH of the FOLIAR formula after mixing, but that FOLIAR should be sprayed within three days of mixing.
Because Calcium is directly proportional to yield, HEAVY 16 provides vast amounts of Calcium through a cascading delivery system. Calcium is a divalent cation, meaning it has two positive charges and has a tendency to stick magnetically to the negatively charged plant exterior. HEAVY 16’s multiple forms of neutralized calcium in our VEG/BUD and HEAVY FOLIAR overcomes this challenge, ensuring ample Calcium is available to the plant. The benefits to plants of ample Calcium are undeniable, which is why we encourage growers to apply HEAVY FOLIAR regularly up to the mid-flower phase.
DWC is a highly efficient hydroponic growing method that requires advanced attention, precision, and maintenance. We recommend DWC users follow our online “Deep Water Culture” nutrient calculator.
When using HEAVY PRIME in DWC, we recommend dosing the required amount for your reservoir size over time. For example, if your reservoir calls for 70 mL of HEAVY PRIME, add 10 mL per day for seven days, versus adding 70mL all at once. This will regulate the system and provide fresh material each day, instead of overdoing it in one large dose.